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Ladies and Gentlemen,                In as much as we are               provide capital investment
        Tonight, we celebrate the            singling out a few of              support, establish a
        achievements of firms that           you for the outstanding            preferential tax regime
        have attained exceptional            contribution to our exports        and favourable customs
        levels of business                   over the past 12 months.           regulations among other
        excellence and resilience.           I, however, personally             things.
        These companies have                 regard every one of you as
        distinguished themselves             winners because you are            We have also prioritised
        by delivering superior               all earning us the much-           a number of trade
        performance in the export            needed export dollars that         facilitation initiatives
        and service sectors in terms         will contribute in building        in order to simplify
        of value addition and forex          our nation’s wealth and            international trade
        generation.                          creating prosperity for            procedures with a view
                                             every Malawian.                    to reducing your business
        As many of you are aware,                                               transaction costs.
        My Ministry developed the            Ladies and Gentlemen, as
        National Export Strategy             you know, now you have an  These include
        II to guide Malawi’s                 Industrialist in the Ministry      establishment of One
        interventions aimed at               of Trade and Industry with         Stop Border Posts (OSBP),
        increasing the contribution          a strong background in             National Single Window
        of exports to the economic           the private sector, and            and Coordinated Border
        and social transformation of         who is fully aware of the          management.
        our economy.                         importance of the private
                                             sector in driving the growth  For your information, we
        For this to be realised,             of any economy. You can            are commissioning the first
        obviously the major drivers          surely count on my full            OSBP in Malawi in Mchinji
        behind is the private sector.        support and solidarity in all      next week and the State
        We certainly need to set             your endeavours.                   president His Excellency
        this country on a path                                                  Dr Lazarus Chakwera
        of economic structural               Ladies and Gentlemen,              together with his Zambian
        transformation and                   Be assured that this               counterpart, His Excellency
        industrialization.                   economy is slowly                  Hakainde Hichilema will
                                             rebounding and we would            preside over the event. Our
        As you know, for a long              like to move towards higher  aim is to ensure that cross
        time we have had a narrow            levels of productivity.            border transactions are
        productive base that has                                                expedited.
        constrained the country’s            One of our priority areas
        export growth and made               is to establish Special            Ladies and Gentlemen,
        us to continue depending             Economic Zones and                 This is your night, a night to
        on imports for most of our           industrial parks across in         enjoy and celebrate your
        needs.                               Blantyre, Lilongwe and             incredible achievements
                                             Mzuzu with a view to spur          and success. Therefore,
        This situation has sadly             massive industrialization.         allow me to stop here.
        contributed significantly to a                                          Once again, my heartiest
        trade deficit that continues         We expect that the SEZs            congratulations to all the
        to widen and constrain               will play a key role in            award winners.
        Malawi’s GDP growth.                 driving the country’s
        Therefore, I would like us to        Industrialization Strategy         It is well deserved, and
        join hands and implement             and help us to achieve the         the Ministry look forward
        the transformative NES               Malawi 2063 ambition of            to seeing your future
        II and the Malawi 2063               transforming Malawi into           contributions to this
        agenda that will allow your          a wealthy and self-reliant         economy.
        businesses and our economy           industrialized ‘upper-
        to thrive.                           middle-income country.             Thank you and
        Ladies and Gentlemen,                Through the SEZs we shall          have an enjoyable
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